Why Do I Need a Deep Cleaning?

Maintaining your dental hygiene can fight gum disease and bad breath. Ideally, brush your teeth twice daily and floss regularly. Going for deep dental cleanings is a crucial part of maintaining good dental and oral health.


Your dentist can sometimes recommend a deep cleaning. Some signs that show you may need a deep clean are receding gums, loose teeth, and bleeding gums. 


What Is a Deep Cleaning?


Deep cleaning is the process of removing tartar and plaque on your mouth. As a result, gum inflammation is reduced, and gum health is improved.


A mixture of saliva and food particles forms plaque. Brushing your teeth can remove plaque that forms daily on your teeth. However, you will not remove the residue that builds up between your teeth. Plaque contains bacteria. Tartar is the plaque that hardens.


Gum disease develops because of plaque and tartar accumulation. Gingivitis is a common problem when your gums become inflamed. Untreated gingivitis develops into periodontitis. Periodontitis is an infection that damages the bone supporting your teeth.


How Often You Need to Have a Dental Deep Cleaning


According to the American Dental Association, it is ideal to go for a dental cleaning and checkup every six months. Having the deep cleaning twice a year prevents severe dental problems. 


Certain dental health care routines need professional help. At-home remedies may not work. Seeing a dentist for deep dental cleanings twice a year will help your dentist eradicate hard tartar and bacteria from your teeth. A deep clean will also give you the chance to have a dental exam to detect any signs of dental health issues. Doing so helps mitigate further damage from happening.


Benefits of Deep Cleaning


Below are the benefits of getting a deep dental cleaning:


  • Eliminates foul breath that comes from gum disease

  • Protects the roots of your teeth from damage

  • Cleans your teeth in areas of the gumline that you cannot reach

  • Stops the advancement of gum disease

  • Promotes healing

  • Treats infection

  • Stops gum inflammation

  • Promotes gum health

  • Prevents tooth loss


What to Expect During the Process


A deep cleaning procedure involves gum scaling and root planing. Both parts of the process can use ultrasonic instruments or manual scaling tools. Your dentist can also use both types of devices.


Your dentist will need you to come for two visits. The first one is for scaling, and the second one is for root planing. The scaling process removes all the plaque and tartar below your gumline.


Root planing, the second part of the procedure, is where your dentist uses a scaling instrument. Your dental hygienist cleans tartar and plaque from the roots of your teeth. Doing so allows the root to reconnect with your gums. The smoothing reduces the space between them.


Dental Care After Deep Cleaning


After getting a deep cleaning, your dental pockets are free of bacteria. Be warned, you may have a varying degree of gum sensitivity. Your dentist will tell you what precautions you will need to take. It is ideal to be careful about how you brush your teeth and what you eat. You may need a prescribed mouth rinse to rid your mouth of any developing bacteria. Your dental practitioner will schedule your next appointment. 


Deep cleaning is effective in removing tartar and infections in your mouth. Preparing yourself for the procedure is a step towards maintaining good oral and dental hygiene.


For more on dental cleaning, contact Hamlin Modern Dentistry at our office in Winter Garden, Florida. You can call (407) 993-6370 today to schedule an appointment.

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